Relationship Coaching for Engaged Couples

Sam* and Olivia* both know that getting married is a BIG deal…

… so they want to do it right and start it off in the best way possible.

They’re not just planning for a wedding… they want to prepare for a marriage.

They love each other so much, and they both know the devastating effects of divorce from their own childhoods.

So, they’re taking measures to make sure they get it right.

They’re both working full-time with great careers. They’ve heard that money is one of the most common sources of conflict in relationships, so they’re trying to take care of that.

They’ve also heard that disagreement on parenting styles is another source of conflict in marriages. Currently, neither of them have kids, but they want to get on the same page now.

And they can already see where their communication skills are lacking. Olivia wants Sam to take a more active approach in the wedding planning to show he cares for her. Sam believes letting Olivia choose whatever she wants IS showing her he cares for her. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

They’re smart enough to know they need help with some of their conflicts.

And they know they need to do it BEFORE they say their “I dos.”

They want to improve on this now. It would be awful if it got worse AFTER they said their vows.

It’s better to get counseling now before they’re married than after they’re married on the brink of divorce!

As a part of their wedding planning, they decide to see a relationship coach.

In the first week, they were able to see all the ways that their communication wasn’t working—how each of them was inadvertently making the other feel hurt and disconnected.

When Sam shuts down because he doesn’t want to fight, Olivia feels disrespected, thinking Sam doesn’t care about her or the relationship.

When Olivia starts raising her voice, Sam feels disrespected, thinking Olivia doesn’t believe he is a capable adult.

During session, they were guided on how to express their core hurts and desires safely and respectfully.

After the first month, they were both on the same page on their goal: 100% love and respect. They learned all the disrespectful versus respectful ways people communicate and behave. Then they “drew a line” – on one side respectful, the other side disrespectful – and committed every day to do their best to stay on the side of respect.

After three months, they found solutions to their recurring issues that work for BOTH of them! Olivia finally felt loved and seen. Sam finally felt respected and understood.

Sam and Olivia now feel confident that they’ll have a strong marriage.

They got the skills they need to solve the challenges that naturally come into a marriage… and solve them together. From picking their first home to career changes and perhaps one day tackling parenting.

With effective communication and problem-solving skills, as well as love and understanding, they can get through anything.

They know that conflict is natural in any relationship. It’s solving it, and HOW you solve it, that matters.

Don’t just get ready for your wedding. Get ready for your marriage!

Sam and Olivia’s story is all too familiar.

Not only have I seen this in other couples – I’ve lived it. (Although my husband and I got help after our wedding.)

Before we got married, we were told that “marriage is the HARDEST thing you will EVER do,” but we never received any tools to create a loving and peaceful marriage – just a bunch of warnings.

Imagine if any other product, machinery, or job came with no instructions, just warnings and “feel good” principles. We would have a hard time figuring out how to actually use it or do it well.

I’m on a mission to change that and equip couples with practical tools and skills so they can create a loving and peaceful marriage from the beginning, instead of when things are falling apart years from now. We can’t thrust couples into marriages with only love to keep them going and expect them to thrive. We need to learn effective communication and problem-solving skills. Let me show you how.

If you and your spouse-to-be are ready to strengthen your relationship before your wedding, then give me a call to get started on your journey of forging a SoulMate marriage: (951) 387-8554.

We will schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together.

*Sam and Olivia’s story is a composite narrative; it does not reflect actual clients.