You feel the walls reverberate from the impact of the door shutting as you walk away. Huffing. Puffing. You’re enraged.
And then, tears.
You were so mad and yet… now you feel so hurt.
“Why doesn’t he listen to me?!”
“Why doesn’t she understand me?!”
This isn’t the marriage you thought you would have when you said, “I do.”
You love him. He loves you. So why is this so hard?
You reach out wanting to hold your spouse. But the rift created by the hurt is already too great. So now you’re left feeling alone, wanting a touch and a listening ear that is just out of reach.
Your heart hurt so much. It’s starting to affect work. You still go to church out of habit, believing maybe the habit will bring you some sense of normalcy. Smiles on your face, pretending like things are okay, but behind closed doors, it’s taking everything you have not to fall apart.
Everybody knows “Communication is key” and “always communicate.”
You’re both talking to each other, but neither of you feels heard, neither of you feels understood.
Sometimes you raise your voice because maybe, just maybe, he’ll finally listen to you. But the louder you get, the less he hears.
Sometimes you decide to stay quiet because maybe, just maybe, if you don’t say anything, she’ll stop yelling at you.
Neither of you wants to divorce.
Both of you are willing to do anything to create a great marriage with the one you’re already married to. You will not fail at the most important relationship you care about the most.
You’re almost at your last straw. The person you fell in love with, the partner you believed in building a life with, they’re right there. All you need is a way to communicate effectively with them.
You want to see eye-to-eye. You want to work together as partners! Not against each other.
Simple conversations can turn into a fight easily. If both of you are willing to make it work, it is almost impossible to make it fail.
You start to feel distant. You want to reach out. But you’re afraid your partner might lash out. The other option is to withdraw… But the withdrawal leads to more hurt because you crave connection.
You’re both starving for connection and intimacy.
Change starts here with you—as husband and wife.
You know honesty is essential in a marriage. But lately, you’ve been fighting so much you don’t want to say anything anymore. Perhaps you’ve started “sweeping it under the rug.”
Imagine feeling so safe and confident with your spouse you can say anything to him/her without fear it would trigger a fight. Have the confidence to be fully transparent within the bounds of respect.
After all, you have your children looking up to you. You are their very first models of relationships. Maybe you’ve already become aware that some habits and beliefs you have about relationships are the very same ones your parents used to do/have. How they handle their anger or perhaps use the silent treatment to avoid conflict, maybe even their views that “men can’t be trusted” or “women are irrational.” Perhaps you’ve noticed your children have already picked up your temper and behavioral response(s) to stress. You want to break that cycle and be a model for healthy relationships. Because healing the inner child in you allows you to raise your children in love, grace, and patience.
What’s going to give you that happy soul-mate marriage?
Flour. Eggs. Salt. – These are key ingredients to make any baked good. Each one is essential. Each one plays its role. Each one is so crucial that your baked goodie becomes a disaster if you take one of them out.
In the same token, a SoulMate marriage requires: Respect. Trust. Honesty. Each one is essential to forging a SoulMate marriage. If you take one out, a marriage will crumble.
Together, we will learn the skills necessary to successfully add these key ingredients to the relationship so that you can communicate effectively with each other.
We won’t just talk about principles and feel-good advice. We will take actionable steps to apply every new skill so you can once again feel love, hope, peace, and deep joy.
I help you discover the exact behaviors leading to the hurt and disconnect in your relationship, AND I will teach you the exact NEW behaviors you’ll need to nourish love and respect in your relationship.
Let’s talk about how we’ll work together…
First of all, we’ll be working together online via Zoom. Online coaching has proven to be just as effective (if not more, as in-person coaching). I’m in my home, you’re in your home.… and it can be easier to be transparent and vulnerable when you’re at your “home base.” The more truthful both of you can be with me, the more effective our work together will be.
The great news is, we work quickly. We’ll work together for three months, meeting once a week.
We’ll go over the work you’ve done for the past week, such as how you’ve applied the new skills you’ve learned to your day-to-day lives. I’ll guide you and your spouse through Skilled Discussions, where you will learn how to discuss those “hot issues” but with your “seatbelts” on, keeping you both safe and secure while maintaining honesty and respect.
I won’t solve your problems for you. I will teach you how to successfully solve them as husband and wife so that years after working with me, you will still be able to talk about anything without fighting.
Plus, what makes our work together so effective is I never ask my couples to do something my husband and I have never done ourselves or something that isn’t already proven to work for other couples.
By the end of our time together…
You will have all the tools necessary to sustain a lifelong marriage of love and peace, no matter what new challenges come your way!
You’ll have a newfound love and respect for each other, and you’ll be able to model that love and respect to your children.
This is for them, too, you know… you’re setting up future generations for happy, healthy relationships!
About Me

Certified Associate Coach of the Millionaire Marriage program
I guess this all started when we had our first fight.
My husband and I were high school sweethearts… madly in love. We had overcome many obstacles together, so we figured we could handle anything!
And for marriage, we “did everything right” (or so we thought). We waited to get married until we finished college and had stable jobs. We went through premarital counseling. We read every book, blog, etc., etc.
But, once married, it started early—the last day of our honeymoon. I’ll spare you the details, but it felt ugly and awful, and it happened a lot after that.
We were so full of love and respect when we were happy with each other. But when we disagreed, our defective communication and behavior tore at our hearts and dreams. Neither of us wanted to live in this cycle forever, so we sought as much help as possible.
None of that help worked for us… until we did relationship coaching.
We had as much advice as we could get, but we had no idea how to live out the advice. That’s where the coaching proved invaluable.
Open communication reduces hostility. Learn to release responsibility (My partner’s behavior is not a direct reflection of my worth).
We put in the work. It was difficult. But we were diligent, applying each skill every day, no matter how hard it was. Literally feel growing pains emotionally and mentally! Knowing that what we were doing before was not working, so trusting the process that doing something we’ve never done before will give us something we’ve never had.
Every difficult task was so worth it.
Our transformation was so incredible that passing on these lessons to as many couples as possible became my life’s passion.
My mission is to heal as many marriages as I can…
… because I believe it all starts with family.
I learned a lot of my beliefs and behaviors (good and bad) from my parents… like having frequent date nights or being resilient (good) and raising my voice or brushing issues under the rug (bad).
To heal my marriage, I realized the importance of unraveling what I had learned so that I could move forward. For example, I believed that if my spouse loved me, he should know what I need. But the truth is, an adult and emotionally mature person in a relationship will know that their partner CANNOT read their mind. None of us are mind readers. By telling my husband what I like, what I don’t like, my desires, my fears, he no longer has to guess, and he can be sure to please me!
In his words, my husband used to believe “in any disagreement, only one of us is right. I don’t want to be wrong, so I have to fight to be right. But now I know that both of our perspectives are valid, and I would rather give up my need to be right for the greater good of stopping an escalating fight.”
Earle and I have learned how to talk about anything without being disrespectful. When a new conflict arises, we can solve it in about 5 minutes. Both of us will feel heard and understood. We healed our marriage with the tools and skills we have learned. I wake up and feel truly grateful for a SoulMate marriage we have forged.
Now, I aim to help heal as many marriages as I can.
When I’m not relationship coaching…
I love watching movies, going on walks with my husband Earle and our 15-month-old son (occasionally stopping to stare at sticks and bugs along the path). I also love playing board games on our weekly Game Nights (Earle and I are quite competitive) and enjoying every moment with my family (we love our snuggles, struggles, cuddles, and giggle.
I know how hard it may be to reach out for help…
… and have a stranger step into the sacred space of your marriage. So if you’ve made it this far, I applaud you. And I want to encourage you.
If you are ready to stop the cycle of fighting and receive help from someone who has been in the trenches and practices what they preach, then give me a call at (951) 387-8554.
Let’s schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation session and determine whether we are a good fit to work together.